
Hello Friends, thanks for visiting my photography blog! My name is Claudia Gonzales and I am aspiring Wedding & Portrait Photographer located in beautiful San Diego, California. Enjoy my blog. Have a lovely day!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Botanical Building - Balboa Park, San Diego

It was a beautiful day in San Diego as always, but this Sunday was extra beautiful, and the hubbs asked me what I wanted to do and of course besides going to visit my perfect little Lentil and the most beautiful person who brought him into this earth (his mommy and my sister) I said I want to go take pictures somewhere of course! I wouldn't have it any other way! So off we went to the Botanical Building in Balboa Park. Since my last post was extra long, I will keep this one short and simple, so here are some pictures of that day!

 It was so worth getting these last shots right?! Isn't it so weird how butterflies always seem to follow me on my shoots? They heart me!

Thanks for stopping by! Lotsa' love Claudia!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My perfect little Lentil

"Jose and I have something to tell you guys," said my big sister Miriam within 10 minutes of walking in my house on March 28th, 2009, I stopped what I was doing expecting her to say something like we wanted to know if you guys can watch Miss Bells (their little Chihuahua) and I look at her and say, "yeah?" and as I'm looking at her I see her eyes start to tear up a little bit and Jose her husband just looking at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him, and at this point I'm thinking, oh my gosh they probably just hit the lottery and they came here to tell us (the hubbs and myself) that they are giving us half of it, but then she finally speaks and says, "You are going to be an auntie!!" I turn around and say "Yeah right, what do you want to tell us?" You see my sister and her husband had already been married for 7 years and no kids, even with me bugging them constantly to make me an untie all the time since oh about the day they got married so although I would still bug them about it I was beginning to think I was never going to be an auntie until my younger sister got married and that didn't seem like it would be any time soon. So then Jose (my brother in law) looks at me and says exactly this, "She is not kidding, there is something precious growing in there," as he is rubbing her belly. And Jose is a big guy, he is 6'4" to say the least and for this big guy to say something like that I thought, Umm ok I think they might be telling the truth, so I look back at Miriam and say, "SHUT UP!!!!" as my heart is racing and she says, "I'm serious, I took a pregnancy test already," then me "I don't believe you, we need to go to the store right now and pick another test up and I want to see it for myself." Sure enough we drove to the nearest store, picked one up, brought it back home and she took it.

It seemed like forever for the test to be ready and finally we I looked at it and it said PREGNANT. As soon as I read that I yelled so loud I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard me, I gave my sister the biggest hug (but didn't squeeze her too hard to not hurt the baby). Then she did the most horrible thing, she was about to throw away the pregnancy test she had just taken!!! Hellooooo!! What are you doing?! I'm keeping that pregnancy test to put in the babies scrapbook duh!!!! She looked at me and said you are so gross, you know it has pee right?! And I said yessss and your point? Yup that pregnancy test sits perfectly in the babies scrapbook! We then sat and looked online to see how big  the baby was and it said it was as big as a lentil, I thought that was the cutest ever so every time I would see my sister and my future niece/nephew I would call him my little Lentil! I think after the day my sister gave me the great news I tried my hardest to see her everyday to make sure my little Lentil heard his favorite aunties voice, I would sit there and put my head on her belly and talk to to him/her. The day finally came where they would tell her the sex of the baby. Its a BOY!!!! I was officially the happiest girl on earth!!! Even though it didn't matter to me if my Lentil would be a boy or girl when I heard it would be a boy I about cried of happiness. I can explain though, there are no boys in my family, our house is full of girls except my dad, It's Miriam, me and my younger sister Berenice (I previously posted her wedding pictures) then its my mom and dad, my dad has always been the only boy in our house so we never knew what it would be like to have a boy around, that is why these news made not only me happy but my whole family!! The day that my little Lentil came into this earth could not come soon enough. Then on Saturday, December 5th, 2009 at 12:17 a.m. my little Lentil arrived. He was not very little though, he weighed 9 lbs 11 ounces and was 22 1/2" long. He was absolutely perfect in every way. He had the cutest little nose, big eyes and biggest cheeks in the world. Perfect!! I was scared to hold him that night, I thought I would drop him or hurt him, or what if I was too cold, or what if he thought I smelled bad, or if he was allergic to anything I was wearing or what if he didn't like me for bugging him so much while in his Mommy's belly?! Plus he looked so perfect with his beautiful glowing mommy. I finally got over my fear and finally held him and it was the best feeling in the world, he was so soft and he just stared me straight in the eyes like he knew exactly who I was and I almost cried but I didn't want my tears falling on him plus I would lose cool auntie points if I cried, but at that moment I promised him I would never let anything happen to him or let anyone hurt him, I will always be there for him, this little human being showed me that night how to love like I never have loved before.

It has almost been a year since the birth of my little Lentil and I am the happiest auntie in the world, he is the cutest, happiest baby ever. He has all of us wrapped around his cute little chubby fingers. So with ALL of this said I want to thank both Miriam and Jose for giving me the cutest nephew/grandchild ever, I am forever grateful!!! With that said, thank you readers for reading this whole post. Now I will prove to you how adorable my little Lentil is, I will try posting only 1 picture of him since this post is already long enough (or maybe 2 pictures) from the day he was born until now. Here is my little Lentil:

This is is my little Lentil right out of his Mommy's tummy! (This picture was taken by phone and for some reason I couldnt upload it from it so I had to take a picture of the picture and it worked that way.)

This is him at 1 month (taken with a point & shoot)

 2 months...yup he is a heartbreaker at 2 months! (point & shoot)

 He was only 2 months and we were taking him to his first day on the beach! (point & shoot)

 3 months, already bad to the bone (point & shoot)

  4 months, if you look in his mouth close enough you can see his first little tooth, yup at 4 months he already had a tooth! (the rest of the pictures are with my awesome camera!)

  5 months...perfect I know

 6 months...playing and looking adorbs!!

 7 months, first family reunion, having fun!!

 8 months being crabby, love that shirt, his favorite auntie (me) has one like it!

  9 months...workin' it for the camera...such a little model!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my little Lentils pictures, he is my little life! Isnt he the most adorable and what did I tell you about those cheeks?! Ok ok enough! Lotsa' love Claudia!!! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Berenice & Phillip

They met...8 months later they got engaged...10 months later they got married! Crazy?! More like crazy in love!! These kids are definitely in love! Luckily, I was fortunate enough to be able to snap a couple pix of my little sisters wedding! Here are a couple pictures of their beautiful wedding day in Downtown, San Diego!

Berenice & Phillip "The Kiss"


 Thank you for stopping by my new blog, I will try and keep posting pictures as often as possible! Lotsa' love...Claudia!!